This feature is only accessible by Accounting Users, Project Management Users, and Administrators.

Do you already have a quote on-hand? This feature allows you to create a PO from a quote yourself!




How to use Create PO

Take some time to review your quote to ensure you understand the pricing and substitutions offered by suppliers.

  1. Click Create button → Create PO  in the top-left of the web app.
  2. Attach quote document to populate PO items (optional).
    This will begin a quote scan - it may take a few minutes. Use this time to fill out your order details.
    The order items will appear near the bottom of the PO form.
  3. Fill out the order info.
    • Create an Order Name that is intuitive, so the project team and accounting know what it's for.
    • Ensure there is enough lead time for your selected delivery date.
    • Use the comments (bottom of form) to give additional information to the supplier if needed.
  4. Fill out the delivery details.
    • Ensure there is enough lead time for your selected delivery date.
    • If you don’t know the date, tap the delivery date field and select “I don’t know the delivery date yet”
  5. Optional: Use Save & Exit on the bottom-left of the PO form if you need to come back later.
    Resume your order by navigating to Home > My Orders.
    Drafts can be saved once the Order Info & Supplier sections are filled out. 
  6. Enter cost codes (if required)
  7. Recommended: Review your Order for accuracy, then tap Continue
    If needed, use + Add Item, or edit your line item prices to correct discrepancies.
  8. Optional: Add comments and/or attach support documents to your PO.   
  9. Optional: Click Preview PO to view the PO as it will appear to the supplier.
    Click Close to continue editing the form, or simply issue the PO from here.
  10. Click Issue Purchase Order.
    The PO form has been converted to PDF and sent to: The supplier (if email entered), the project team, and accounting.
    • Use My Orders or search to find your order again.
      If it hasn't received or completed yet, you can also find it in your to-do list (home page).


Next step

Receive Order (Web app)



Tips and tricks for success

  • The PO will be sent to the supplier exactly as you enter it. Ensure you review your PO as this is your last chance to catch any errors before send.
  • Add schematics or pictures in the Attachments & Comment section for complicated orders.




Need help?

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