! This feature is desktop only. This feature requires the Microsoft Outlook QuoteToMe add-in

Read our Install the Install the QuoteToMe Add-in article to learn more.


This is the second step of the Get Quotes (Email) workflow. 

Your supplier(s) have returned quotes for your review. Take some time to review the quotes offered by each supplier, then convert one of the quotes to a PO directly from MS Outlook! 


After your PO is created, you will have a chance to review it before you issue the PO to a supplier.




How to review your quotes and Create a PO

Once your quotes are ready, they will be displayed on cards along with the order total. 

! Suppliers might not be able to quote on all items requested, so review each of the quotes to ensure you understand the pricing offered.

  1. In MS Outlook (mail view), open the email with the quote attachment from the supplier.
  2. Click on the QuoteToMe add-in button to open the side bar.
    If this is your first time, log into the service using your QuoteToMe login credentials.
  3. Select the project you plan to order for from the drop-down menu.
    ! If you can't find your project, you may not be added to the project team (or it may not exist yet). Contact a QTM Administrator or a Project Manager in your organization to request assistance.
  4. Drag and Drop the quote into the file upload box (or click to add your document manually).
  5. Click Create Purchase Order.
    The supplier's email will also be included in your PO ticket in the QTM app - just as it would appear when using Get Quotes!
  6. Wait a small while (see next step).
    QuoteToMe is going to convert this quote to a PO. You will receive a notification once it's ready to go!




Next step

Review PO and Issue to Supplier



Tips and tricks for success

  • If you always use the same cost codes, ask your project manager or accounting team to add those cost codes to your project. This will allow them to be selected from a drop-down list. 

    Read our Add or Edit Project Cost Codes article to learn more!
  • This feature works for quote email attachments. Quotes left in the body of an email won't work. However, you can save your email as a PDF, then upload it from your computer as a quote!



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