Second step of the Call a Supplier workflow. | Third step of the Get Quotes workflow. 

Your POs have been generated by QuoteToMe and are ready for one last look before you send it to the supplier. Take some time to review the detials of your order, then click Issue PO!

Steps in this workflow:

Get Quotes > Review Quotes & Create PO > Send PO > Receive Order




How to review your PO and issue to supplier

Once your PO is created by our system, you will receive a notification stating that your PO is ready for your review.

  1. From your review notification, tap View Order.

    Alternatively, tap Orders from the dashboard and tap your order.
    It will display the message "Action Required: Create PO." 
  2. Review all the order details.
    Including delivery address, delivery date, supplier location (if multiple), and special notes for the supplier if needed.
    ! The jobsite cannot be changed during Final Adjustments.
  3. Tap Review Purchase Order.
    This is your last chance to catch any errors. If you find an error, tap the back arrow at the top to make changes.

  4. Tap Issue Purchase Order.
    This will email the PO to the supplier, and sends a copy to your project team and accounting.
  5. PO Sent! Tap Home to return to your dashboard



Next step

Receipt of Goods



Tips and tricks for success

  • If you always use the same cost codes, ask your project manager or accounting team to add those cost codes to your project. This will allow them to be selected from a drop-down list. 
    Read our Add or Edit Project Cost Codes article to learn more!



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